the house girl is...

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i am a wife, sister, daughter and friend, who is learning to learn, observe, enjoy... and write about it!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

crazy times.

yes, these are crazy times. everything is making me angry, happy, burdened, excited and sad all at once. why does it all have to happen all together, anyway?

the Church struggles. my faith shakes. my friend moves away. my loved ones play tricks, believe falsehoods, squash their potential. my people are growing, forgiving and freeing. they all are teaching me. they are experiencing, adventuring, and taking me with them!

why is my 6th little godchild in heaven instead of in her mommy's tummy? why is my sister crying?
my nephews puking? my husband overworking? my body stiff and hurting?

the rain outside makes me sigh.
a text message and a handmade card make me smile and laugh.

too much. it's too much.

"it's life", my brother says.

"it's abundant", my Saviour says.
"help me!", i say.
and He does.


  1. Your 6th godchild is safe....for eternity. and every moment that I got to carry her was worth it, even for such a short time.
    Harvest time is coming. We plant the seeds first...then...we....wait...and wait...and wait...but a harvest will come. Believe me. I've seen it in my own life.
    I love you.
