the house girl is...

My photo
i am a wife, sister, daughter and friend, who is learning to learn, observe, enjoy... and write about it!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Proof-reader for Hire

i love misplaced apostrophe's
and "quotes" that neednt be.
they make life oh-so-interesting
and never frustrate me.
senseless punctuation,
and, random Capital Letters,
thrill me to the core, you know,
and wait- it does get better!
to many comma's, misspeelled words,
bad Grammar, need i continue?
i "want" so much to share my joy's;
i wish that i could win you!
join Me in this fight for Freedom,
for poetic lisensce, please...
why should we Stick to stuffy "rules"?
I "vote" misplaced apostrophe's!

did you know that Eagles Nest? wow. thats new's.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


picture perfect, rearranging, 
pasted smile, feast your eyes.
shyly standing, garb-adjusting, 
see her there: the outer side.

identifying, life emerging, 
really smiling, truth is urging.
self is slowly being, showing; 
seeing, healing, sensing, knowing,
hoping, living, loving, growing,
breaking through: her inner side.

"Hand of God" photo courtesy of D.P. Photography, 2010.

Monday, November 15, 2010

meet us here

we are full of darkness; we don’t know where to turn.
we turn to You. we turn to You.
vision lacking sharpness, our hearts go on to yearn.
we yearn for You. we yearn for You.
we’re not thriving; we’re surviving. 
pick us up and make us stand!
we’re not shining; we are pining
for the goodness of Your hand.
light our darkness, soothe our burning,
heal our wounds and fill our yearning;
satisfy us, won’t You, Jesus?
meet us here.