the house girl is...

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i am a wife, sister, daughter and friend, who is learning to learn, observe, enjoy... and write about it!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Proof-reader for Hire

i love misplaced apostrophe's
and "quotes" that neednt be.
they make life oh-so-interesting
and never frustrate me.
senseless punctuation,
and, random Capital Letters,
thrill me to the core, you know,
and wait- it does get better!
to many comma's, misspeelled words,
bad Grammar, need i continue?
i "want" so much to share my joy's;
i wish that i could win you!
join Me in this fight for Freedom,
for poetic lisensce, please...
why should we Stick to stuffy "rules"?
I "vote" misplaced apostrophe's!

did you know that Eagles Nest? wow. thats new's.